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“carotid sinus”
carotid sinus
A dilation of the arterial wall at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery which contains sensory nerve endings from the glossopharyngeal (tongue and throat) nerve which respond to changes in blood pressure.
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carotid-, caroti-, carotio-
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Word Entries containing the term:
“carotid sinus”
carotid sinus massage, carotid sinus pressure
Caroti sinus stimulation by intermittent finger pressure, designed to enhance vagal tone and slow the heart rate or to terminate an arrythmia (abnormality in the rhythm of the heartbeat).
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carotid-, caroti-, carotio-
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carotid sinus reflex
A neural mechanism in which an increase in blood pressure in the carotid artery at the level of its bifurcation results in a decrease in heart beat.
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carotid-, caroti-, carotio-
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carotid sinus syndrome, carotid sinus syncope
1. A temporary loss of consciousness which sometimes causes provoked convulsive seizures as a result of the intensity of the carotid sinus reflex when pressure increases in one or both carotid sinuses.
2. Intense hypotension (low blood pressure) and bradycardia (abnormally slow heartbeat) following carotid sinus stimulation, resulting in dizziness, fainting or convulsions, and occasionally other neurologic symptoms.
2. Intense hypotension (low blood pressure) and bradycardia (abnormally slow heartbeat) following carotid sinus stimulation, resulting in dizziness, fainting or convulsions, and occasionally other neurologic symptoms.
This entry is located in the following units:
carotid-, caroti-, carotio-
(page 2)
syn-, sy-, sym-, syl-, sys-
(page 3)